![JUT LOGO [Recovered]-01.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2c7d69_835c25a318b94624a73508ce859bcf92~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_130,h_80,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/JUT%20LOGO%20%5BRecovered%5D-01.png)
What We Do
Some of the things we do

Tough Love/Black Excellence

JUT CSTP 2023 Socials

DJ workshop Summer 2019

Lewisham Mayor Award. Full
Organ donation awareness campaigns
Creative training programmes
In 2019, we teamed up with NHS Blood and Transplant, Royal Free Hospital Kidney Patients Association and Creative Youth Zone, to form Young People's Community Engagement (YPCE) steering group. The aim was to encourage deceased organ donation (DOD) conversations amongst young black people in North London and their wider networks. We recruited some young Organ Donation Champions to use media to raise awareness and start a conversation about the need for more black people to join the organ donation register.
We offer training programmes for 16 - 20 year olds who are creative or interested in the creative industry. This programme is for young people living in the South East London boroughs of Lewisham, Greenwich and Southwark.
Our aim is to prepare young people who are NEET, for further education, apprenticeships or work. The programme will includes employability, creative media and work experience.
If you are a young person who is interested in joining one of our programmes, click here to get in touch.
We are also interested in partnering with creative agencies to deliver our programmes, so if you are from an agency and would like to partner with us, send us an email: info@joinedupthinkinguk.com.
We collaborate with organisations and creatives to run a variety of workshops for young people from age 11 - 24.
Workshops include photography, DJ, music production, podcast creation. Check out our Events page for information on our next round of workshops.