![JUT LOGO [Recovered]-01.png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2c7d69_835c25a318b94624a73508ce859bcf92~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_130,h_80,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/JUT%20LOGO%20%5BRecovered%5D-01.png)

Need further support?
Apart from mentoring, we know that sometimes as a young person you might need some more help. So we have compiled a list of a few other organisations that may be able to help and support you.
racism and mental health
Racism can be very damaging to a person's well-being and mental health, especially as a young person. So if you are being bullied, treated differently or unfairly - being discriminated against because of your race, ethnicity or skin tone, tell someone immediately. It's important to seek help and not keep it to yourself.
Visit Young Minds for more information and support if you're experiencing racism and it's affecting your mental health.
mental health extra
Still on mental health... Kooth is a useful online resource. Well, it's more an online mental wellbeing community for young people. So check them out, it's also for people who are struggling to cope, experiencing anxiety, stress, depression and need mental health support.
Visit Kooth for support.
drugs and alcohol
There are different reasons why people take drugs or alcohol and sometimes if can be hard for other people to understand and give support. It can be difficult talking about drugs and difficult knowing who to talk to or trust.
If you know someone who needs support, talk to Frank. Visit their website for information and support, including a list of support centres.
eating disorders
Anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders which may affect some young people. If you are are worried that anorexia or bulimia may be affecting you, visit Young Minds to find out more information about these conditions and more.
You should also visit your GP as they may be able to refer you to a local Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service - also known as CAMHS.
mental health
If you're struggling to cope, experiencing anxiety, stress, depression or you need any other mental health support, Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They have dedicated resources for young people.
Visit Mind for help and support.
Are you being bullied?
Bullying happens often and in many places such as schools and social media. It is unkind and can be extremely hurtful, so we don't want you to suffer in silence. Get help and support.
Contact Childline to talk to someone or for information and support on their website.
in need of counselling?
Mentoring can have significant benefits, but sometimes life can be so overwhelming that we need to get extra specialist support to help us work through different issues. Extra support can work alongside mentoring too.
If you need to speak to a counsellor, check out The Mix's counselling services which support young people under 25. Visit their website for more information.
knife crime
We want everyone to be safe and feel safe, so if you are a young person who is trying to go knife free or know someone who carries a knife and doesn't know what to do, visit Knifefree for information.
They also have useful contact information for support. Don't go through it alone, get help.