Mental Health Conversations
Our last discussion was on 26th September 2022, 4pm, Lewisham Music in Bellingham, Lewisham.
Topic: Tough Love x Black Excellence
We had interesting conversations about what it tough love means to 16-25 year olds and what it means to be on the receiving end of this. Young people also linked tough love to Black excellence and mental health. We asked the young attendees if they felt the need to work twice as hard, for half as much? We also explored the possible impact on mental health, whether positive or negative. This discussion was facilitated by JUT’s youth facilitators, a mental health practitioner and members from GLOBE, Gilead. Look out for our video summary of the discussion.
We are working on further the development for future roundtable discussion, so watch this space for information. We are always keen to hear from young people.
Why we are having conversations?
In 2020, we conducted research around the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s mental health and found that COVID had negatively impacted over 80% of the 237 young BAME people we surveyed. As a result, we have been exploring other ways to support young people, particularly Black people and their mental health. One of such ways is raising awareness on mental health, encouraging having conversations and getting support.
We are helping to raise awareness by hosting a series of workshops to facilitate safe spaces for mental health discussions, and to encourage more young Black people to talk openly and honestly about how they feel.
Join the conversation.